GreenPC Logo's

Feel Free To Use

Please don't use our name or logos in ways that may be confusing, misleading, or suggest our sponsorship, endorsement, or affiliation. For example, your name and logo should be more prominent than the GreenPC name or logo. And please don't edit or change the GreenPC logo's — we like them how they are !

Please check in with us before using our logo on websites, products, packaging, manuals, or for other commercial or product use. If you are a GreenPC partner, and want to use our logo to link to our site, you can use our logo if it meets the rest of these guidelines.

Feel free to email It helps if you send a mockup of your intended use so we can be specific in our response. We'll do our best to get back to you ASAP but please give us 48 hours to get back to you.

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